What should I keep in mind after a KAP class?

Drink plenty of water and listen to your body! Some people get an enormous amount of energy after a KAP class, others get very tired – and this also varies from time to time. The most important thing is that you adapt your level of activity accordingly.

Because KAP can be a powerful experience, keep in mind that sometimes unprocessed emotions may come to the surface. This is an important part of the process, and if this happens to you, it is recommended that you give yourself time after the KAP class to process these emotions.

Many feel a need to ground themselves after a KAP class by, for example, stepping outside in nature or eating something. But try to avoid eating comfort food to numb any unprocessed emotions that may have surfaced during the class and that feel challenging. If that is the case, I recommend you work through these emotions rather than relying on comfort food to numb the process – generally in life, but especially after KAP.

The basic rule is always that you should feel what feels right for you and your body. Trust the signals you receive about what your body wants.

Ready for KAP?

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Contact me

Email me at cecilia@unleashunlock.com.
You can also follow me on Instagram: @unleashunlock.